Monday, September 10, 2007

wondering, wondering...

is the money anxiety every going to go away? how do we figure out how much is enough? How on earth do people who are less financially secure than we are EVER manage to raise children? (not passing judgment on the less financially-secure, just honestly trying to understand how they do it, because I could use some tips!!!)

While our financial situation is very healthy for two relatively young people (more asset than debt, etc.) Living off one income is hard enough it just being the two of us. Add in two more, and it seems like such a daunting task! I've been drawing up a budget, and just don't see us supporting our current lifestyle with two babies on the way.

And I'm not talking about dinners out and expensive bottles of wine, we don't anticipate much of THAT happening with two little ones. I'm talking about the 800 channels of TV and the high-speed internet. We've decided to get rid of HBO. We have been watching it regularly for years now, but with most of the programming we've loved cancelled or otherwise gone into the great TV beyond, we don't enjoy it as much, and it certainly isn't worth spending even more money on!

But we are still regular TV watchers (Mark is more than I am, but he can't settle himself with a book or a craft project the way I can) so we don't plan to eliminate the cable TV entirely. I think I'm going to shop around for better deals than what we have through comcast.

But what about high speed internet? Can I really give this up? Can I be a stay at home mom without this line to the outside world? Without my flickr and my blogger and my gmail and my message boards and my one click free-shipping shopping on

If I must, I will. But I think I'm going to wait on that.

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