Friday, September 07, 2007

Blue, times Two

We're expecting two boys!

Oh, how to digest all of how I feel about this.

First--I'm excited--I have two healthy babies, and I am envisioning them playing sports together and hanging out, and hopefully being each other's closest friends. Mark is talking about putting a half-pipe in the back yard! I'm hoping that they will probably not be reluctant to try wakeboarding and snowboarding, and all the more "dangerous" sports that Mark and I enjoy. I'm looking forward to teaching them how to tie ties and knowing that some day, these little kickboxers inside me will be taller than me.

Second--I'm a little sad. I'm kind of a girly-girl and I was so sure that I was going to have a little daughter of my own. And I won't. So in a way, I am feeling the loss of this fantasy daughter. It doesn't take away from my happiness over the boys, but it does change it slightly. I'll never help a daughter shop for a prom dress or help her decide which shoes look best with it. That's okay, but I do feel sad about it. Of course, I'll never have to pay for a wedding either, so there's that.

Third--what the heck are we going to name these two little guys????


Anonymous said...

Aimee, Congratulations on the twin boys!!!!! And I'm sending you some hugs to you for the disappointment you feel over not having a girl. Don't beat yourself up - it's natural.

Robert Brinkerhoff said...

You'll be grateful when they reach adolescence! Congratulations.

Aimee said...

Thanks guys! I am really excited about all the boy-stuff we're going to do--but digesting the surprise and wistfulness i think is part of emotional pregnancy rollercoaster. :)