Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Enjoying the end of life as we know it.

Fall is coming. We put the fan in the window for the first time last night. Petra snuck up into the bed with us in the wee hours of the morning for some cuddle time. This wakes me up, but I don't mind. We've been doing this for years--I know to expect it, when it gets cold enough to put the fan in the window. I look forward to it. I'll miss my early morning cuddles with the little stinker in the time between when the babies arrive and when they start crib sleeping. during that time, the bed will be off limits to Petra, and while I doubt I will have the energy or the time to be anything but glad I don't have to worry about her being too close to the babies, I am a little sad now for the anticipated change in our routine. I'm sad for Petra, who doesn't want her life to change. I wish I could tell her what is happening, what it means to me. But instead I just lift the blankets when she comes seeking, and I let her settle down next to my ever-expanding belly, and I snuggle her close. My first baby.

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