Thursday, September 13, 2007

damn my bladder

Another sleepless, night. It started propped up into a half-sitting position because of the reflux. My fundus is now just under my ribcage, so I'm getting kicks to the ribs (which don't hurt yet) and heartburn (which does) and the odd sensation that if I burp, I'll throw up too. The half-propped up position gave way to the proper "sleeping on left side" position. As soon as I felt comfortable, I begain to drift off to sleep and felt a little *tug* on my bladder. It was just a tiny spasm, but I knew that if I ignored it, I'd feel another one soon.

Blankets off, extricate myself from the pillows, waddle to the bathroom, trip over Petra in the dark (she is so over sharing the bed with my pillows she usually moves to the floor early in the evening).

Back to bed. Pillow on left side is still retaining heat from my body and I'm warm from the exertion of getting up. Ick. Roll over, lay on right side. Wide awake.

Count sheep. no, really. Count sheep.



Are you fucking kidding me?


Much quicker this time, blankets off, dig out from between/under/around pillows. Waddle. dodge dog. hit laundry basket.

Back to bed.

Count sheep.







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