Sunday, September 09, 2007

Naming anxiety

I still think I'm winning on Joel.

I have a lot of anxiety over the whole name thing. I feel like its one thing we can have control over, and I want to have control over as much as possible, and its the one thing to which Mark is completely resistant!

The kids have to have names, but he seems terrified to even think about it. I bought him a name book yesterday. He looked at it for all of 15 minutes before he said "That's enough, I'm done for now."

Um, no, that's not enough. He looked at it for 15 minutes, said he liked the name Jack and he liked Samuel (both of which we had already discussed and discarded weeks ago for various reasons) and then that was it. No progress, nothing new at all!

I just wish I could make him understand how important this is to me--but every time I try he remembers something "urgent" he needs to do in the garage, gets up, and leaves the room.

We're going to be that family in the hospital where the kids don't have names until we have to fill out the discharge paperwork. :(

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