Thursday, September 27, 2007


I'm 23 weeks pregnant today.

This means that after today, there is a chance my boys could survive outside the womb. Every day after today that chance grows, until I reach 34 weeks, at which point it is likely that they would suffer NO longterm problems as a result of early birth.

Roman, Joel, keep growing strong little guys!!!! I am looking forward to meeting you, but hope you'll hang out in there for another 12 weeks at least!


Anonymous said...


It's neat because you are exactly as far along as I was this time last year - it's like reliving it (well, the good parts at least!) all over again!

Anonymous said...

I read this and I'm so happy for you. I have a 12 year old daughter. She was my hope. My husband and I have been trying for a little over 2 years now and nothing. We have done it all Clomid, IUI, IUI with all of the IVF injections, Went through IVF completly 2 cycles and still nothing. We are drained the family financially and me emotionally. But after reading these blogs my RE never checked only through ultrasound for blocked tubes. You have definitly given me hope again. Im going to call my RE and set up an appt. to have them checked again. I only ovulate from the right side.
Thank you and bless you and you family