Monday, August 20, 2007

Sleepless nights suck.


Hank hurt himself. I'm not sure how or where hor how badly, but he's been crying and yelping and whimpering since yesterday morning. The emergency clinic said he didn't sound critical and to keep an eye on him and get him to our regular vet today.

I was so worried about him that I spent the night on the couch a few feet from his kennel instead of in my own bed. He tossed and turned and cried all night, so I didn't get much sleep either. I'm glad I stayed with him though because I woke up to a face full of dog kisses this morning and he seemed so glad that I was there, I couldn't help but be glad I was too.

Now I'm waiting for the vet to open so that we can see if we can make my credit card cry.


Anonymous said...

Oh Aimee! I'm so sorry Hank is hurt, but you are good Mommy for staying by his side through the night. Hopefully, it is nothing too serious and the bill won't break your bank. I'll be thinking of him today. :-(

Aimee said...

Thanks Chandra! Looks like he has fractured his right front foot. What a trooper he is! He is having a drug-induced nap right now, and getting lots of extra treats.

Anonymous said...

Good words.