Thursday, August 30, 2007

Cry Baby

19 weeks today! I'm more than halfway to the full-term mark for twins (36 weeks) and a bit on the emotional rollercoaster.

Given--there was a full moon earlier this week (I conceived on the day of the full moon a few months ago) and full moons make ya crazy.

Given--its been a weird week.

But goodness I am crying over the silliest stuff! And the not so silly stuff. It will be such a relief to have this week over with (heh, a recurrent theme this week in my blog).

Hank is headed to the orthopedist today for a neurological evaluation. They may sedate him, so they asked me not to give him any food after 10:30 last night. I cried this morning when I couldn't feed him his breakfast. He wasn't happy about it either. His appointment is not until 11:15, but I am planning to give him a nice big meal just as soon as the doc says its okay. And I REALLY hope they give the poor buddy some stronger painkillers than the anti-inflammatories he's been on. (which they made me stop giving him yesterday, so he's hurting too.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE the new look!