Sunday, August 12, 2007

Pt. desires primary caesarean section

Judge away.

After doing a fair amount of research on the internet on statistics of vaginal birth versus c-section birth in twin pregnancies, I decided on a c-section. The numbers are, frankly, astounding. Of the 30 or so percent of twin pregnancies that are allowed to attempt vaginal birth, more than half are completed via c-section. After reading that, the deal was sealed for me. There is no way in hades that I am going through labor, delivering vaginally, getting the post-vaginal-birth-hemmorrhoids, various degrees of tearing, etc. only to follow that up with emergency abdominal surgery.

That's not my idea of an overwhelmingly joyful birth experience.

Let's be clear: I've known from the beginning that there would be no home birth in the bathtub (first of all, not my thing, second of all, too risky). I have also known from the beginning that twin births are very complex--in addition to there being two babies, there are two umbilical cords, two placentas, etc. Any of those things needs to be watched carefully during any vaginal birth. With twice as many of everything, there are twice as many chances for a risky outcome.

Does vanity play into my decision? Well, sure. I'm fond enough of my rear that I don't care to see it even temporarily inconvenienced by hemorrhoids. Yeah, it sounds silly when you put it that way doesn't it? These aren't body parts about which a person is typically "vain." And no, I won't be opting for a tummy tuck "while they're in there anyway." I'm an active fit individual--my abs will come back (or not) when I can resume my previous levels of activity. No need to hurry things along.

my position is: if I'm gonna have a c-section anyway, I might as well plan it, make it as comfortable and serene a process as possible. I don't want to hear the word "emergency" while I'm giving birth. I want the doctors to communicate with me the whole time. I don't want them turning to each other and making decisions under stress.

I explained this all to the midwife at my last appointment. She patted my hand and she said "I've given birth vaginally twice. I've been birthing babies for over a decade. I've seen it all. And I can tell you right now, if I were you, I'd do the same thing. Good for you for making a mature decision."

And then she wrote it in my chart. "Pt. desires primary c-section"

and I feel relieved.

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