Friday, August 31, 2007

How she sets her own record for rapid fire posting...

So I wanted a little snack and decided cheese sounded good. Cheese on crackers, yum, that sounds good.

What goes well with cheese and doesn't contain alcohol?

Apple juice!!!! Yum, that sounds good!

Sit back on the recliner, drink my apple juice, eat some cheese. Yum. Drink some more apple juice, because its sweet and satisfying. Yum.

Hey you in there!!! Its a bladder, not a punching bag!!!


Oh my aching feet!

I started a new temp job today--was told by the temp agency "closed toed shoes." Well, the only black shoes I have that have closed toes are my bitchin' black pumps. With the 3 inch heel. Oh dear god. I haven't worn heels in AGES. My poor feet! Torture!

I had to schlepp back and forth from my cube to a file room all day, files in hand, precariously teetering on my big tall heels with my big huge belly.

In other news, Hankums is healthy.

Well, okay, he still hurts but nothing is broken, malformed, or malfunctioning. He just has some growing pains. So he's back on the meds to manage the pain until he feels better. He could have trouble for most of the next year, but by next summer, his bones should be full sized, so he shouldn't hurt anymore. And the meds will only cost $100 a month until then. :(

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Cry Baby

19 weeks today! I'm more than halfway to the full-term mark for twins (36 weeks) and a bit on the emotional rollercoaster.

Given--there was a full moon earlier this week (I conceived on the day of the full moon a few months ago) and full moons make ya crazy.

Given--its been a weird week.

But goodness I am crying over the silliest stuff! And the not so silly stuff. It will be such a relief to have this week over with (heh, a recurrent theme this week in my blog).

Hank is headed to the orthopedist today for a neurological evaluation. They may sedate him, so they asked me not to give him any food after 10:30 last night. I cried this morning when I couldn't feed him his breakfast. He wasn't happy about it either. His appointment is not until 11:15, but I am planning to give him a nice big meal just as soon as the doc says its okay. And I REALLY hope they give the poor buddy some stronger painkillers than the anti-inflammatories he's been on. (which they made me stop giving him yesterday, so he's hurting too.)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Is it Saturday YET?

Weird week for me already and its only Wednesday. Last Friday, Mark got a call from one of his co-workers who had purchased a 93 300D dirt cheap and started to fix it up, only to weary of the process (and the outflow of $$) pretty quickly. Since his goal was simply to make some money off the car, he called Mark to offer the car to him. Mark paid him about $2000 more than he had paid for it, and now we have another Mercedes.

Monday morning I took my Mercedes, sans fenders, sans headlights, sans bumper, to an appointment at a body shop, where I was treated pretty rudely (honestly, who is rude to a pregnant woman? what kind of person would be like that???). This body shop was all the way across atlanta, the appointment was at 9 am, and it took me 2 hours to get there. Needless to say, I was pretty ticked off when I left there. I called the second body shop to ask them a few questions before I went over there, and they were very nice on the phone, so, having a good feeling about them, I drove out to Marietta (closer to where I live) and brought the car to them to get an estimate. They made an appointment to do some more measurements on the car before they could quote it, and they were incredibly nice to me. I left feeling much happier.

I decided since traffic was light, I would take the car home on the highway. I had gone maybe 2-3 miles when I started hearing a loud noise. I pulled over and got Mark on the phone. He suggested that it might be one of the fans, and had me turn off the A/C. This didn't help. So now I'm driving, slowly, up back roads towards home, and the noise is getting much much worse. Finally I pull over, call Mark again, pop the hood (everything looks fine) look around the wheels/tires, then crawl under the car a little bit (picture a pregnant woman on her back under her car on the side of the road--yeah, I wasn't laughing either), there I discover that the belly pan is hanging loose. Relief! Its nothing dangerous! The car is not going to explode, implode, or fall apart as I drive down the road! Thank goodness! But I still drive very carefully home, because I don't want to lose the belly pan altogether--it may just be a piece of plastic, but its a Mercedes piece of plastic, so it ain't cheap.

So it is determined at this point that I will NOT be driving my Mercedes to Hilton Head this weekend. However, Mark did just buy another 300D, so I will be driving that. I get home and I'm plagued by somewhat frequent Braxton Hicks contractions the rest of the day. They aren't painful, but too many can be a sign of pre-term labor, so I had to concentrate on counting them, which is a little nerve wracking.

Yesterday, Tuesday, I go to the tag office and transfer the tag on my little miata to the new Mercedes. Bye, Miata! I won't miss driving you in Atlanta traffic! I get home and decide to get the house in order before I leave for my trip. I cleaned the kitchen and the living room, and the formal dining room. I finish all that and realize--I haven't felt the jumping beans move ALL DAY. So I sit down on the recliner to rest a bit and they start moving and kicking. Relief.

So now its wednesday, I've had two busy days, a bunch of BH contractions, car uncertainty, a "decrease in fetal movement" and just thinking about the week so far makes me tired! I am ready to go to Hilton Head and have a vacation for a few days. I need it!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

If we have two boys...

...I am in so much trouble.

We can't name boys. We just can't do it. I went through the baby name book and wrote down every single name that I would even remotely consider naming my child, and Mark said "no way" to all of them.

With some insistence on my part, we could probably come up with one name...but two?

However, we do have two girls names picked out, so if we have two girls, they have names. If we have only one girl, she has a name.

But our hypothetical boys are nameless. :(

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Board Game Inspector

Gotta love pregnant dreams.

Last night I dreamed we were living in Charlotte, NC, with my parents. (why I didn't wake screaming at this point is a mystery). In my dream, I worked at a company very much like wal-mart, except it was located in one of the Microsoft buildings off of Arrowood blvd.

My title was "Board Game Inspector." Which at first, sounds a little like a QC job, but really, it was much cooler than that. In my dream, I went to people's houses and inspected their board games and performed board game maintenance as necessary. (There was also swimming involved, but that part of the dream is a little nebulous now.) Right before I woke up this morning, I was inspecting an ancient board game called "Quist" that belonged to an old man, and it was basically two pieces of wood with grooves cut into them in complex patterns. It smelled bad because it was so old. The placement of holes in the patterns stood for cards, like the queen of hearts, and some kind of pins were used to mark your "Hand". One board was on top of the other with the pins going through, so you were playing both a visible and an invisibile "hand."

I woke up with the smell of the game in my nostrils. Old felt and wood.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Sleepless nights suck.


Hank hurt himself. I'm not sure how or where hor how badly, but he's been crying and yelping and whimpering since yesterday morning. The emergency clinic said he didn't sound critical and to keep an eye on him and get him to our regular vet today.

I was so worried about him that I spent the night on the couch a few feet from his kennel instead of in my own bed. He tossed and turned and cried all night, so I didn't get much sleep either. I'm glad I stayed with him though because I woke up to a face full of dog kisses this morning and he seemed so glad that I was there, I couldn't help but be glad I was too.

Now I'm waiting for the vet to open so that we can see if we can make my credit card cry.

Friday, August 17, 2007

feelgood/feelbad friday

I was feeling good, and I mean, GOOD all day. Something about knowing the weekend would be here tomorrow, and that we had no plans other than to spend it together makes me feel good.

And then, about 20 minutes ago, it started raining. I new it was coming and tried to get the dogs fed and out before it started, but no sooner had I clipped the leash to Hank when the sky opened up. The thunder was loud enough to scare the dogs and I had to stand out in the rain with them one at a time to make sure they went, but all three of them are majorly freaked out. My dress is soggy, my hair (which I actually washed and blew out today) is a mess, and all of a sudden I feel exhausted.

Rain, rain go away, come again on Monday. :(

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

knock knock...

I feel like someone is knocking on the inside of my uterus!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Weight gain, finally!!!!

I've started drinking the Boost High protein drinks (one per day) in order to get some extra calories into my diet, and wouldn't you know it, I've finally put on a couple of lbs in the past week! Yay!

While two lbs is nothing to get super excited about, it is weight gain, and that's good. I am still down 8 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight, but confident I'll start gaining that back soon.

My belly is even huger (like that's a real word) than last week. I'm going to wait until thursday (when I'm officially 17 weeks) before I take another picture, but my fundus feels like its about halfway between my belly button and the bottom of my rib cage. The beans are slightly larger than avocados now, and will double in size by week 20 when I have my anatomy scan ultrasound. That's a lot of growing between now and then!

I would have thought it too early for this, but I am contemplating pulling the drawstring out of my maternity jeans.

Trying to decide about 3d/4d ultrasound. If I want to do one and get both twinkies in the same image, I'll have to do it within the next week. However, they implanted so far away from each other in the womb, that might not be possible anyway (no tech has been able to get them both together since 6 weeks, when they were just little blurs on the screen anyway). So I think I might do a 3d scan later in pregnancy to get a look at their faces. The 3d ultrasound place won't do one for twins after 27 weeks because there isn't enough room in there, so I have about ten weeks to decide if I want to do one.

Looking ahead to my annual Hilton Head trip in a couple of weeks. I can't wait to see my girlfriends and hang out for a weekend. Mark promises that my mercedes will be back in working order by then, so it will hopefully be a pretty comfortable trip. :)

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Pt. desires primary caesarean section

Judge away.

After doing a fair amount of research on the internet on statistics of vaginal birth versus c-section birth in twin pregnancies, I decided on a c-section. The numbers are, frankly, astounding. Of the 30 or so percent of twin pregnancies that are allowed to attempt vaginal birth, more than half are completed via c-section. After reading that, the deal was sealed for me. There is no way in hades that I am going through labor, delivering vaginally, getting the post-vaginal-birth-hemmorrhoids, various degrees of tearing, etc. only to follow that up with emergency abdominal surgery.

That's not my idea of an overwhelmingly joyful birth experience.

Let's be clear: I've known from the beginning that there would be no home birth in the bathtub (first of all, not my thing, second of all, too risky). I have also known from the beginning that twin births are very complex--in addition to there being two babies, there are two umbilical cords, two placentas, etc. Any of those things needs to be watched carefully during any vaginal birth. With twice as many of everything, there are twice as many chances for a risky outcome.

Does vanity play into my decision? Well, sure. I'm fond enough of my rear that I don't care to see it even temporarily inconvenienced by hemorrhoids. Yeah, it sounds silly when you put it that way doesn't it? These aren't body parts about which a person is typically "vain." And no, I won't be opting for a tummy tuck "while they're in there anyway." I'm an active fit individual--my abs will come back (or not) when I can resume my previous levels of activity. No need to hurry things along.

my position is: if I'm gonna have a c-section anyway, I might as well plan it, make it as comfortable and serene a process as possible. I don't want to hear the word "emergency" while I'm giving birth. I want the doctors to communicate with me the whole time. I don't want them turning to each other and making decisions under stress.

I explained this all to the midwife at my last appointment. She patted my hand and she said "I've given birth vaginally twice. I've been birthing babies for over a decade. I've seen it all. And I can tell you right now, if I were you, I'd do the same thing. Good for you for making a mature decision."

And then she wrote it in my chart. "Pt. desires primary c-section"

and I feel relieved.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Belly progress Report

bigger...and bigger...

16 weeks--that means only about 20 weeks to go!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

16 weeks

Doc says everything is good. No need for an ultrasound today. While saddened that I didn't get to see the beans today, I am, of course, glad there was no medical reason to have to look at them. (with two "problem" ultrasounds under my belt already, I don't need anything else to worry about!) My urine was negative for protein and sugar, and I've stopped losing weight (though I haven't gained any of it back yet).

When my babies dance, it feels like a cross between bad gas and the sinking feeling you get in your stomach when riding a high speed elevator.

For two feelings so unpleasant on their own, they sure are fun together.

The level II anatomy scan is scheduled for September 7th, so we should find out the babies' genders at that time, provided they play along. :)

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Two days until my 16 week appt! I'm getting nervous, but also excited. I really hope they do an ultrasound!!! How great would it be to find out the genders this week????

I'm also being a total slacker right now--I bought christmas stocking kits to make stockings for the kids (because there is a good chance they could be here before christmas), and I started one of them a few weeks ago, made a lot of progress, and haven't touched it in about two weeks. Eek!!! I'm not the fasted cross-stitcher to begin with, and there is a lot left to do on it. I'd like to have it finished by the end of this month, then I can start the next one sometime in September, and hopefully have them both ready to go in case the beans arrive in December!

I guess these days of being a slacker are limited, so I should enjoy them while they last. :)

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Belly Progress Report

Well, I'm sleeping a lot, so the jumping beans must be growing! Lots of fatigue these days, but it comes and goes in waves. I'll be good all morning, then nap all afternoon, or I'll be tired all morning and feel an energy surge later. I work it out, focusing my energy when I have it, and resting when I don't.

My 16 week appointment is this week--I'll have the AFP screening for neural tube defects, and if they do an ultrasound, there is a chance we could find out the genders of the babies. I hope we have an ultrasound, because I'd love to see them jumping around again, especially now that I can feel it too!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

No more belly piercing...

It's out. And man, my belly button feels good. :) It was sooooo itchy, I finally just gave in and took it out. I'm glad I did.


well, here it is.

I'm thirty years old, and trying to work out how I feel about it so I can write something profound and meaningful, a nice adieu to my twenties.

But you know, I don't really feel like saying adieu to anything. I think instead of sayin adieu, I will pack my twenties away in the acid-free paper area of my brain, and save them to take out later and look at when I'm feeling nostalgic.

No grand gestures for this one. On the eve of my twentieth birthday, I got tattooed as a goodbye to my teen years. Ten years later, I have nothing to say to my twenties except "it's been fun." And it has. I got married, I got pregnant, I learned to cook, I I ate a lot of good food and drank a lot of good wine, I learned to wakeboard, and I ran three marathons and I made some wonderful friends.

And my thirties are going to be even better.