Sunday, July 08, 2007


In a way, I am jealous of all those women pregnant with singletons with their little bitty bumps. The ones who, at 18 weeks, look like I looked at 8 weeks.

I feel like I haven't had much time to adjust to the changes in my body, and my body hasn't had much time to adjust either. I go through periods where I feel so stretched and sore--and all I've done is lay on the couch all day! Whereas these women are running and going to the gym and not even showing yet!

I am enjoying being pregnant, and enjoying watching my body change, but I'm starting to think I shouldn't look at pictures of other pregnant women. Or, if I do, I shouldn't look at how far along they are. And if they have just a tiny little bump at 20 weeks, I'll just think "aw, how cute, she just found out!"

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