Thursday, July 12, 2007

12 weeks, babies!

Depending upon the calendar you choose, this is either the last week of my first trimester, or the first week of my second trimester. Either way, its a milestone I am absolutely thrilled to reach! I'm here, I'm healthy, my babies are healthy, and I couldn't ask for more.

Of course, it doesn't hurt that the morning sickness is gone. gone, I can't believe it! For the past three days, I've been able to eat and drink without fear! This means one thing: the little jumping beans have started using their placentas to produce the hormones they need, which means my body is not responsible for producing the massive quantities of hCG, estrogen, and progesterone that cause the morning sickness.

Now, if only there were a solution for pregnancy induced amnesia, pregnancy induced anxiety, and pregnancy induced clumsiness. Ah well, even those things are tolerable when you aren't throwing up anymore!

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