Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Everything Changes

Another example of how everything changes when you're pregnant:

Typically, I like to lie down when I read, on the floor, on my stomach, facing the light source, which typically in the mornings is the large east-facing window in the reading room. Petra usually sleeps on the chair while I read.

Lately, laying on my stomach has become uncomfortable, unless I want to actively feel the babies, which I'll admit, sometimes I do. Unfortunately, my bladder and my stomach don't care for the position, so I can only lay that way for a few minutes at a time.

So I've taken to sitting against the arm of the couch, which is not as relaxing for me, but more comfortable overall--for me. Poor Petra, however, cannot seem to understand that it's okay for her to be "at ease" if I am sitting up, so now I read with her undivided attention on me.

Everything changes.

By the way, this is my 100th post to this blog. I never thought I'd still be posting 100 posts later, but here I am. Another milestone for me: 3 years ago today, I ran my first marathon, an event that changed me in many ways--taught me humility, and taught me to be proud of my accomplishments, all at once. It somehow seemed fitting that change be the subject not just of today's blog post, but also of the self portrait I took for the 365 days project on flickr, so I decided to make this post my flickr post and vice versa.


Anonymous said...

Whatcha readin'?

Aimee said...

sci-fi! Orson Scott Card's "Xenocide" to be specific.

I feel like I have read and re-read every book in the house about 50 times by now!