Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Bad and the Good

Last Saturday night I had contractions 6 minutes apart, so I went to the hospital, where I spent the night. I was out of town for my baby shower, so my husband was 4 hours away, so my Dad came to the hospital with me. By the time we got up to L&D the contractions were 2 minutes apart, so I was given a shot of terbutaline to stop them (it worked) put on IV fluids and monitored through the night. I was given a fetal fibronectin test, which was negative, indicating that I won't go into labor within the next two weeks. They also checked my cervix and said everything felt good.

So, a whirlwind few days later, back in the ATL, I had a growth scan and midwife/OB appt. My cervix measure 5.4 centimeters, so whatever happened the other night did not affect it at all, which is really good news. The boys are close to 3 lbs. EACH. WHOA! I can't believe there is almost 6 lbs. of baby inside me right now!!! And I was right, baby B has rotated into a head-down position, which explains a lot of the motion (commotion) I feel.

I took down the studio background today--got to get that nursery started! I'm going to look into moving the "studio" into the guest room instead, but may end up doing outdoor shots for my belly photos this week, maybe. Since I skipped last week's belly shot, I figure I need to do something different and new this week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been wondering where you've been!

I'm glad to hear everything is ok - Lee and I will praying for the babes!