Friday, June 01, 2007


Yesterday was both the most exciting day and the scariest night of my life.

At the ultrasound, we saw the heartbeats of our two little beans. That's right folks, it's twins!!! After walking on cloud nine all day, I came home and started bleeding. After a frantic phone call to the doctor (who reassured me that it was probably fine and told me to stop by in the morning for another quick ultrasound) I found myself unable to sleep. Racked with morning-noon-and-night-sickness as well as nerves, I spent about half the night on the bathroom floor.

But this morning I went to the doctor and had another ultrasound and both beans are doing great. Strong heartbeats!

So, I'm taking it easy this weekend, trying not to do too much. Enjoying that I have an excuse for the premature growth of my belly. :)

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