Saturday, May 19, 2007

I don't feel pregnant today

So, after a few days of nausea and fatigue, all of a sudden I feel great. Today is the day my period would normally be due, so of course I started freaking out that this feeling great stuff means I'm going to start bleeding. I've also had some cramps today, which also gets me freaked out.

I keep re-reading the section of "The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy" about cramping. I know its perfectly normal, but just in case, I took another pregnancy test. For the record, this is the fourteenth pregnancy test I have taken since finding out that I was pregnant 6 days ago. The second line emerged instantly, and became as dark as the control line within just a couple of minutes.

I keep telling myself to relax, that its normal to feel good some days and bad others. Its likely that my body has gotten used to having a bit of hCG in there, and that soon enough I'll be feeling perfectly rotten again.

Besides, I still have porn boobs. That should count for something.

Why do I feel like I'm never going to relax until the kidlet graduates from college?

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