Monday, October 16, 2006


So, yesterday I went for a 26 mile bike ride.

I've never ridden my bike outside of a parking lot before, so this was an all-new experience for me. I put on my cushiest padded-est shorts, some nice thick cycling tights, and hit the SCT!

Well, even the cushiest padded-est shorts didn't prevent saddle sores. :(

And my male riding partners couldn't understand why I was in so much pain when peeing until I explained that the way female plumbing works, the saddle sores actually happen on the inside and that there is no way to avoid hitting them with the stream. Men, coming as they do with a built-in spray gun, don't have that problem.

but I feel pretty great about my ride--I still need to work on my dismount, but my bicycle handling skills have definitely improved. wheee!

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