Monday, December 10, 2007

Weeks, if not days

We've scheduled our hospital tour for Wednesday night, and I have an ultrasound (my last?) scheduled for thursday morning.

I hit the thirty-four week mark on thursday, and that means no turning back! If I go into labor after thursday, no efforts will be made to stop my labor. This is such a huge week, not just in the boys development, but in the emotional process for me. I can't believe I am so close, finally!

Two years ago, Mark and I decided we wanted to have a baby. We thought, like many people think, that it would happen easily, quickly. I stopped taking birth control and we decided to "see what happens."

What happened was pretty much nothing! For a LONG time! Now, after all that waiting, the fertility treatments, the wondering, we are about to have not one, but two babies in our arms.

At this point, its hard to say how I feel. Anxious, excited, a little overwhelmed and intimidated. I am very much aware of how far we've all come--Me, Mark, and they little ones.

Life is good.

What is all this going to mean for blogging about infertility? Well, as an infertility blogger, I believe I'll be hanging up my hat. I'll also probably not blog about pregnancy in the future--except in nostalgia. I'll probably change the look and feel of this blog, as well as the tagline, but the title will stay the same. Hope does feel good, and after all the times I nearly lost hope, I have the rest of my lifetime to see it on the faces of my two little boys.

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