Friday, December 21, 2007


A head cold for the first time I can remember in YEARS! While I'm expecting to go into labor at any minute!

I am being very conscious of germs right now and wiping my hands with Purell before touching anything that will touch the babies after they arrive, especially since they are likely to be small and maybe early. While I am hoping this is just rhinitis and that it is NOT an infection of any kind, I figure it can't hurt to be too careful.

My newest batch of cloth diapers arrived yesterday--they are the bumgenius one-size diapers. They were expensive, even on sale, but they will definitely pay for themselves in the long run. They are so soft and cute, and I love that the boys will be able to wear them until they are 35 lbs. We only have 12 of them, so at first the plan is to use prefolds and wraps during the day and the BGs at night--easier to fumble with when tired. I really should have all the diapers the boys will ever need now. What a great feeling, to have that taken care of!


Anonymous said...

Hi! I miss you on OS. I think of you nearly every day. I love getting to keep up with you through your blog since I no longer participate on OS.
We have decided since we kept the receipts to return a lot of the newborn clothing and exchange it for 3 to 6 month size. I read everywhere how it is a waste to have very much NB sized clothing at all, they say just a few things is all you need and the baby is in a 3 to 6 month. We have like 40 sleepers, 40 onsies, 20 t shirts, 20 pants, etc... all NB size.... I think perhaps we should exchange some. We also already have nearly 300 NB diapers and now everyone says that we won't use that many before we go to next size diaper as well... it is so hard trying to figure out how many of what is needed.
Take care, I wish I could see more belly shots but as I said, no desire to go anywhere near OS anymore...
How exciting that you are down to such a short time until your precious bundles of joy arrive!


Aimee said...

Hi Shar! We miss you at OS too, but I understand why you left. Send me an email at aimeebenson AT, so we can stay in touch!
