Saturday, September 23, 2006

It's Clomid Day! It's Clomid Day!

So, I didn't sleep at all last night. it felt like it was about a thousand degrees in the room, I was really crampy, and Chani, my cocker spaniel, was glued to me like stink on sh*t. So I finally fell asleep about 6am and of course Mark was getting up a few minutes later to go to work. I slept until he needed to leave and then I got up to take him to work.

We fought in the car, which I feel bad about because I know I'm being a total bitch. I don't function well on lack of sleep.

But now that I'm waking up a little, I am starting to get excited about the Clomid. I know it might have some strong side effects, but right now I don't even care. I should be late enough in my cycle to take a pregnancy test on my wedding anniversary on October 18th. Wouldn't that just be the best anniversary present ever????

I need to pack all of our stuff because we are driving back to SC tonight to move everything out of the house there because WE CLOSE ON MONDAY!!!!!


So much to be excited about this weekend. ROAR!

1 comment:

greeneyes said...

YAY! I'm so eexcited for you! You haven't had a period all summer, this is totally your Get Out of Jail Free card for being bitchy. ;-)